Reporting API

Use this API to integrate reports into your own application

Use the Schedule Report request to define when a report is run and under what parameters. Use the List Reports request to return a list of reports. Use the Get Report Details to retrieve details about a report. If a report fails, you can use the Retry Failed Report request to try it again.

Endpoints and Requests

It consists of the following endpoints:

In this Section

Reports EndpointUse this endpoint to schedule reports and retrieve a list of reports.
Schedule ReportUse this request to schedule a report.
List ReportsUse this request to list reports.
Report Details EndpointUse this endpoint to retrieve details about reports.
Get Report DetailsUse this request to retrieve the details for a specific report.
Retry Reports EndpointUse this endpoint to retry failed reports.
Retry Failed ReportUse this request to try a failed report again.
Reporting API Fields Reference GuideRead about the fields and values that can be used with the Reporting API.
Audit Report Input ParametersUse these input parameters to specify the information that is included in
Currency Conversion Source ValuesThese values specify the source for rates used in Currency conversions.
Report Scope ValuesUse these values to filter the scope of the data used in the report.
Validation Status ValuesUse these statuses to filter for specific values for Tax ID validation.