Seller Settings - General

Use these general settings to specify contact and other information for the seller.

The following table lists the general seller settings:

seller_codeThe unique code that is used to identify the seller. It cannot be the same as the one used for the marketplace_code field.
countrySpecifies the seller's country.
postal_codeThe seller's postal code.
business_nameThe seller's name.
emailThe email address for your business.
postal_address_line3The third line of the seller's address.
postal_address_line2The second line of the seller's address.
last_nameThe seller's second name.
first_nameThe seller's first name.
postal_address_line1The first line of the seller's address.
middle_nameThe seller's middle name.
effective_fromThe date from which the settings will take effect.
timezoneThe timezone that is used for all time-based operations.

For example:

     "settings": [
               "value": {
                    "timezone": "GMT"
               "effective_from": "1999-01-01"
     "country": "IE",
     "postal_code": "XC12134",
     "business_name": "Test Widgets",
     "email": "[email protected]",
     "postal_address_line3": "Building 5",
     "postal_address_line2": "Main Street",
     "last_name": "Murphy",
     "first_name": "Audey",
     "seller_code": "XCV123",
     "postal_address_line1": "Wessex Town",
     "middle_name": "Humphrey"

You can also configure settings for tax, regions, LILA, Invoices and Tax Number validation. For more information, see

For a full list of the available fields for seller settings, see Seller Settings Reference Guide.