Marketplace Settings - General

You can use the general settings for your marketplace to specify the following:

  • Marketplace Details: You can update the country, name, and postal addresses for your Marketplace.
  • Legal Representative Details: You can update the name and email details for your Marketplace's legal representatives, if any.

The following fields are available for the Marketplace's contact and identification details:

countryThe name of the marketplace's country.
postal_codeThe marketplace's postal code.
business_nameThe marketplace's business name.
postal_address_line1The first line of the marketplace's address.
postal_address_line2The second line of the marketplace's address.
postal_address_line3The third line of the marketplace's address.
marketplace_descriptionA custom description for the marketplace.
marketplace_codeThe unique code used to identify this marketplace. This is generated by the service and and is required when updating the marketplace's settings.

The following fields are available for the Marketplace's legal representative's details:

last_nameThe fiscal representative's last name.
first_nameThe fiscal representative's first name.
emailThe legal representative's email address.

For example:

     "settings": [
               "value": {
                    "block_transactions_before": "1989-01-01",
                    "timezone": "Etc/GMT"
               "effective_from": "1990-01-10"
     "country": "IE",
     "postal_code": "12345",
     "business_name": "Test Business",
     "email": "[email protected]",
     "postal_address_line3": "Atlantic House",
     "postal_address_line2": "123 Fake Street",
     "last_name": "Wright",
     "first_name": "Phoenix",
     "postal_address_line1": "123 House",
     "marketplace_description": "Test Business",
     "marketplace_code": "XYZ"