Marketplace Settings - Invoice IQ

You can configure your Vertex Invoice IQ settings at the marketplace and seller levels. You can configure things like the footer, images, subject lines, email addresses and so on.

Seller settings for Vertex Invoice IQ are listed in the topic.

You can configure the following settings for invoices at the marketplace level:




If set to true, the invoice currency code is derived from the country where the tax liability is assigned.


Specifies the subject line of the mail that is sent when an invoice is generated.

You can use {{invoice_number}} as a placeholder for the number of the invoice.


Specifies the subject line of the mail that is sent when a credit note is generated for a refund.

You can use {{refund_note_number}} as a placeholder for the number of the refund note.


A format string used when generating an invoice number.

You can use any of the following placeholders:

  • {{territory}} - a country code
  • {{year}}
  • {{month}}
  • {{day}}
  • {{index}} - a number greater by 1 than on the previous invoice.

The default value is

generate_optional_invoicesThe tax rule selected for the transaction line might indicate whether to generate an invoice or not. If the tax rule does not specify that, an invoice will be generated only if this setting is enabled.
is_invoice_delivery_enabledWhether the invoices/refund notes should be delivered to the buyer's email address specified in the transaction request.
invoice_email_from_addressAn email address used in a 'reply to' field when sending an invoice/refund to the buyer.

Custom text added as a footer to generated invoices for this seller.

When the invoice is generated, double lines are converted to single lines.

invoice_logo_urlA URL to the image that will appear on invoices.

For example:

     "settings": [
               "value": {
                    "taxation": {
                              "accept_all_countries_during_autodetection": true
                         "back_to_back_transaction_tax_country_code": "IE"
                    "invoicing": {
                         "detect_currency_from_tax_country": true,
                         "invoice_email_subject": "",
                         "refund_note_email_subject": "{{refund_note_number}}",
                         "invoice_number_format": "{{territory}}",
                         "generate_optional_invoices": true,
                         "is_invoice_delivery_enabled": true,
                         "invoice_email_from_address": "",
                         "invoice_footer_text": "Thank You",
                         "invoice_logo_url": ""
                    "timezone": "GMT"
               "effective_from": "1970-01-01"
     "country": "IE",
     "marketplace_code": "XYZ"