Start and Block Dates for Settings

You can set starting dates for settings and also dates from which settings are blocked.

You can use the effective_from field to set a date when the settings will take affect. This can be set for the Seller or Marketplace.

You can also set the timezone. This value is then used for all time-based operations of this setting. For example, if you set a start date for the setting

If you want to block any transactions from taking place before a specific date, you can specify it in the block_transaction_before field. This only applies to a Marketplace.

The seller settings for start dates only apply to non-virtual sellers. You cannot use them with virtual sellers.

These settings are outlined in the following table:

effective_fromThe date from which the settings are applied. This is required for any settings.
block_transaction_beforeTransactions before this date are blocked and are not processed by Vertex for Marketplaces.
timezoneThis is the timezone that will be used for all time-based operations like transactions and invoices.

Marketplace Settings Example

For example, the following settings are for a marketplace in Ireland. The timezone is GMT and the settings are effective from January 10th 1990.

     "settings": [
               "value": {
                    "block_transactions_before": "1989-01-01",
                    "timezone": "Etc/GMT"
               "effective_from": "1990-01-10"
     "country": "IE"

Seller Settings Example

The following seller settings begin on January 1st 2009 and the timezone is Canadian Central:

  "settings": [
      "value": {
        "timezone": "Canada/Central"
      "effective_from": "01-01-2009"