Identifiers and Classifications

You can add the following information for identification and classification purposes:

  • A description
  • Your ecommerce/order IDs
  • A parcel reference text
  • The product's class
  • A carrier ID

You add these as fields in the JSON for the relevant request.

The following table summarizes the relevant fields:




This is the description of the product being sold and will appear on the VAT invoice.


This field is mandatory. Identifies whether the goods are physical goods or services. The values are:

custom_idIdentifier for the specific transaction line item. The custom_id field is required for schema validation but you do not have to enter a value.For more information, see Adding your eCommerce/Order IDs to Transactions.
parcel_referenceIdentifier reference for the parcel (This field is optional).
carrier_idIdentifier for the postal carrier.
seller_codeThe unique code that is used to identify the seller. It cannot be the same as the one used for the marketplace_code field.
marketplace_codeThe unique identifier for a marketplace. It is created by Vertex and it cannot be the same as any values used for seller_code fields.

For a full list of the fields in this object, see Fields Reference Overview.

For example:

"description": "Example sale to GB.",
		"transaction_lines": [
				"custom_id": "line_1",
				"amount": 150,
				"ship_from_address": {"country_code": "CN"},
				"product_class": "P",
				"description": "Goods #1",				
				"parcel_reference": "3897329872423",
				"carrier_id": "DHL",