Create Seller

Use this request to create a seller record.

If you want to create a permanent record of a seller's details, use the Seller API to create it.



If you do not want to store the seller's details, you can use the Transaction API to create the required seller information directly in the same request as the transaction.

For more information about the settings, see General Settings for a Seller.

For a list of the available fields, see Seller Settings Reference Guide.

To create the seller, use a POST method and the following URL:


where {service_uri} is the service's URI.

For example:

$ curl \
    -H "x-marketplace-token: ms_{ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST \
    --data '{JSON}' \


  • {ACCESS_TOKEN} is your access token used for authentication.
  • {JSON} is the body of the request where you specify the seller's details.


API Component TypeAPI Component
API Reference DocumentFor a full list of available fields, see Create seller


The following table lists the general settings:

seller_codeThe unique code that is used to identify the seller. It cannot be the same as the one used for the marketplace_code field or another seller_code.
countrySpecifies the seller's country.
postal_codeThe seller's postal code.
business_nameThe seller's name.
emailThe email address for your business.
postal_address_line3The third line of the seller's address.
postal_address_line2The second line of the seller's address.
last_nameThe seller's second name.
first_nameThe seller's first name.
postal_address_line1The first line of the seller's address.
middle_nameThe seller's middle name.
effective_fromThe date from which the settings will take effect.
timezoneThe time zone that is used for all time-based operations.

You can also configure settings for tax, regions, LILA, Invoices and Tax Number validation. For more information, see

For a full list of the available fields for seller settings, see Seller Settings Reference Guide.


When the record is created successfully, a 200 code is returned.