Location Evidence Object

This evidence can be any of the following types:

by_ccUses the credit card number to identify the location of the buyer.
forcedUse this setting to force the validation with a country that you specify in the evidence_value field. This can be useful for testing or other purposes.
by_ip_addressUse the IP address of the buyer, if available, to identify the location.
by_payment_methodUse the information from payment methods other than the by_cc type to identify the location.
guessed_from_ipUse a guessed IP address.
other_commercially_relevant_infoUse other commercially relevant information.
by_billingUse the billing information provided.
by_tax_numberUse the Tax ID number for location verification.
self_declarationUse a self-declaration by the buyer to verify location.

Each type of location evidence contains the following fields:


Type: String

The country code where the evidence is verified.

Type: String

The type of evidence. For example Debit Card.

Type: String

The value of the evidence. For example, the debit card's number.